Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fields of Amber Grain

Idaho Panhandle to NE Washington & Spokane

Our morning ride across extreme northern Idaho into Washington followed the Priest River north of Coeur d'Alene. The intensity of the evergreen forests is dramatic and the overall scenery is sweeping and dramatic. 

Our lunch at Stephani's in Colville was a exceptional by any standard. This close to the Pacific seafood is fresh and ubitiqitous. The chowder was first rate as was the grilled seafood and vegetable salad. 

 Afterwards Bo and I relaxed in a local park while Jim took an hour long work call in the hot sun. 

The Columbia River was magnificent as it headed south only to be stopped by the Grand Coulee Dam. The reservoir is named for FDR.

The rolling fields reminded me of Iowa but after the harvest we were seeing shades of gold and earth tones on a scale as far as you could see.

Power Ranger Bo kept us safe!

Lovely isolated church in the wheat fields.

Reminders of farm life were everywhere.

The "hay" left after the grain harvest comes on massive bales and house size collections scattered all around.

A great set of billboards right outside Spokane.

We found lodging and good food after a very long but beautiful day's ride.

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